Rephy is a research and study institute created in 1998 to find the best and easiest ways to help people
develop their skills.
Rephy is an abbreviation of the Research & study institute of Psychology, Science & Philosophy.
They focus on changing people’s behavior and personality by working on their thoughts. Rephy also helps people improve their English speaking ability with their natural method of learning English. They have three main divisions: Rephy Corporate Training Center, Rephy Counselling Center, and Rephy Softech.

The Rephy Corporate Training Center focuses on training people in corporate and personality development. The Rephy Counselling Center provides counseling services for students and parents through Professor Naresh Muley.
The Rephy Softech division handles software development-related operations. Professor Naresh Muley uses research and studies to help people change their mindset and behavior, leading to improved academic performance and social behavior. They help students improve their core abilities like concentration, study stamina, grasping, and memory power.