Free 120 Lectures for Perfect English!!!

Welcome to Free Spoken English Course!!!

You will get this course completely free and duration of this course is four months.
In this course you will get 120 lectures,
Best of luck! to learn perfect English!

120 लेक्चर में सीखिए परफेक्ट इंग्लिश !!!

स्पोकन इंग्लिश के इस कोर्स में आपका स्वागत है!!!

यह एक पूर्णत: मुफ्त स्पोकन इंग्लिश कोर्स है.
इसका कालावधी 4 महीना याने इस कोर्स में आपको 120 लेक्चर मिलने वाले हैं
इस कोर्स द्वारा बढ़िया इंग्लिश सीखने के लिए बहुत-बहुत शुभकामनाएं, बेस्ट ऑफ लक !

To learn more about these courses watch this video!

इस कोर्स के बारे में अधिक जानने के लिए यह वीडियो देखिए.

Hello! !

आपका मुफ्त कोर्स शुरू करने के लिए नीचे दिए हुए बटन पर क्लिक कीजिए !

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I am Giving you an
Amazing Course to speak English perfectly!

इंग्लिश में परफेक्ट तरीके से बात करने के लिए
मैं आपको एक बढ़िया स्पोकन इंग्लिश कोर्स दे रहा हूं

“Free Spoken English Course”
“मुफ्त स्पोकन इंग्लिश कोर्स”

with Scientific Method

In this course you will get the following benefits:
इस कोर्स में नीचे दिए हुए फायदे आपको मिलेंगे:

4 Months Course

Yes, my dear friends, I am providing you a completely Free Spoken English course of 4 months duration.

4 महीने का कोर्स

जी हां, दोस्तों ! मैं आपको 4 महीने का स्पोकन इंग्लिश कोर्स पूरी तरह मुफ्त दे रहा हूं

My 120 Lectures

You will get daily 1 lecture, total 120 lectures for 120 days. It includes spoken English Training lectures, practice sessions and I am also giving you my personality development course for FREE with this program.

मेरे 120 लेक्चरस्

आपको हर रोज एक लेक्चर नया मिलते रहेगा इस प्रकार मेरे 120 लेक्चरस् आपको मिलेगी इसमें आपको ट्रेनिंग लेक्चरर्स प्रैक्टिस सेशन और साथ ही साथ मेरा पर्सनैलिटी डेवलपमेंट का कोर्स भी फ्री में मिलेगा

It’s Online

Friends, it's an Online Course. So, you don't have to go anywhere, enjoy the training comfortably at your home. It will save your time. But due to our research and unique design of the course, you will feel that you are attending the lecture actually in the classroom.

यह एक ऑनलाइन कोर्स है

दोस्तों, यह एक ऑनलाइन कोर्स है जिस वजह से आपको कहीं पर भी नहीं जाना पड़ेगा, और घर बैठे आप यह कोर्स कर सकते हो और इस वजह से आपका वक्त भी बचेगा | हमारे खास तकनीक की वजह से आपको ऐसा लगेगा कि आप क्लास रूम में ही बैठकर हमसे प्रत्यक्ष में सीख रहे हो |

Invest Minimum Time

Depending upon your available time, you can invest either a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes daily. For extra practice, you can also spend maximum time as you want. You can join this training anytime (morning/afternoon/evening/night). It is 24x7 available online, so you can join whenever you have free time.

न्यूनतम समय निवेश करें

कम से कम वक्त देकर आप यह कोर्स पूरा कर सकते हो | अगर आपके पास सिर्फ 15 से 20 मिनट है तो उतना ही वक्त देकर आप हर रोज एक लेक्चर देख सकते हो और अगर आपके पास ज्यादा वक्त है तो एक्स्ट्रा प्रैक्टिस कर के 30 से 40 मिनट में हर रोज का लेक्चर पूर्ण कीजिए |

Complete Grammar

In this course, we will teach you different types of sentences like declarative sentences, interrogative sentences, exclamatory sentences and imperative sentences.
Along with these all types of tenses like Perfect tense, Simple tense, Continuous tense, Perfect Continuous tense of past, present, and future will also be taught.

संपूर्ण व्याकरण

इस कोर्स में हम आपको अलग-अलग प्रसंगों के लिए वाक्य सिखाने वाले हैं जैसे कि विधान वाचक, प्रश्नार्थक, आज्ञार्थी और भाववाचक साथ ही साथ काल के भी सभी प्रकार जैसे कि सामान्‍य काल, अपूर्ण काल, पूर्ण काल, पूर्ण तत्‍कालिक काल.

Sentences for different situations

In this course, we will provide you a lot of examples for different situations and places, for example, in a restaurant, in a marriage, in a hospital and many more like this. Along with this, I will provide you a lot of conversations

अलग-अलग प्रसंगों के लिए वाक्य

इस कोर्स में हम आपको अलग-अलग परिस्थिति और अलग-अलग स्थानों पर इस्तेमाल होने वाले अनेकों वाक्यों के उदाहरण देंगे साथ ही साथ बहुत सारे अलग-अलग संवाद भी आपको देंगे

Hello! !

आपका मुफ्त कोर्स शुरू करने के लिए नीचे दिए हुए बटन पर क्लिक कीजिए!

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" class="btn btn-lg paper-raise-flatten"> Click here to start your free course!

Feedbacks of Students

President, Doctors Association, Yeola, Nashik

My English skill improoved alot..

I have attended a Spoken English course in Rephy Corporate Training Center & it’s an amazing course. In Rephy, teaching style is different & sir has taught us conceptually. It’s a unique experience. Before class, my English was very poor. But now my English has improved a lot. My confidence has built up. Today I am speaking without thinking and without making sentences in my mind. A big thanks to all the trainers and ultimately Rephy.
Niraj Jalnawala

I was unable to express myself in English...

I Joined Rephy class to enhance my communication skills. Before joining this class I was unable to speak English fluently. The trainer understood my errors & helped me to overcome those. As I am working in the industry for more hours in a day. But due to the group discussion in Rephy, I got more confidence. I learned how to feel in English, How to improve vocabulary & how to express myself in English. Now, I can speak in English with confidence with anyone.
Sandeep Gore
Design Engineer,

Rephy's techniques helped me a lot...

I attended a speaking English course at Rephy class. It was a very nice experience for me. Before joining the class my English was not too good; but, after the class, I was more confident about my English and about myself. Rephy's techniques helped me a lot in attaining fluency. I am very thankful to the Rephy class to improve my English all the way thank you.
Harshada Hole

I was making sentences in mind...

Before understanding the natural method, I was speaking in English, but I was always making sentences in mind and then speaking. That process was uncomfortable, but due to the natural method, now I can speak with anyone without making sentences in mind & I am speaking naturally and spontaneously with everyone. Thanks to Rephy.
Manas Nilkanthe
Manager at Lupin Pvt Ltd,

I was afraid of grammar...

Now, I don't fear grammar. I have learned grammar very easily with the natural method. Now, I don't have any confusion & there is no pressure of grammar on me while speaking.
Vinaya Nilkanthe

As per my time convenience...

Due to my job, getting time is a major problem for me. I was unable to manage the time to learn English. This natural method helped me to learn to speak English fluently in a very short time.
Unnati Jadhav
Manager at Chemical Industry,


आपका मुफ्त कोर्स शुरू करने के लिए नीचे दिए हुए बटन पर क्लिक कीजिए !

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" class="btn btn-lg paper-raise-flatten"> Click here to start your free course!

Certificate Distribution in CSMSS Engineering

Certificate Distribution in CSMSS Engeering

Seminar in JNEC College

Certificate Distribution in Sharadchandra Pawar Polytechnic College

Certificate Distribution in Sharadchandra Pawar Polytechnic College

Seminar in Govt. Engineering College Aurangabad

Seminar in Everest Engineering College

Certificate Distribution in CSMSS

Seminar in Govt. Engineering College Aurangabad

Felicitation at Everest Engineering College Aurangabad

Seminar in Everest Engineering College

Certificate Distribution in Sharadchandra Pawar Polytechnic College

Birthday Celebrations of Muley Sir

English Language Training at Aurangabad Police Department(Rural)

Certificate Distribution in Sharadchandra Pawar Polytechnic College

English Language Training at Aurangabad Police Department(Rural)

Rephy Spoken English Classes
Speak English



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